A combo of numbers and soft skills

We combine a passion for processes and numbers with a big heart for people. That doesn't make us heroes, but it makes us the perfect party to entrust your payroll and personnel administration to. Prepare to finally discover how a peaceful mind feels like...

Comfort through total care

All right, we're not superheroes. But we have set ourselves an important mission. Namely: to relieve you, as an SME, of your worries in all aspects of human resources, in order that you have more time for your business. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Flexibility for your unique business

Need advice on recruitment or dismissal? Preparing the payroll? Optimize an employee's salary package? Unravel the tangle of rules for the expatriates you attract? We take care of customization. With a 360°-service and 200% commitment.

Trusted and trustworthy

Human resources are confidential matters. Therefore "Personnel. Personal." doesn't happen to be our slogan. You get a permanent supervisor who builds a bond with your team and really gets to know your organization. The contact with your expert feels familiar and you can rely on it.

Never unnecessarily complex

Belgian legislation doesn't exactly stand out in simplicity. Fortunately, we do. No matter how complex the substance may be, we are familiar with it like no other and we communicate it in human language. What's more, you always know what to expect from us. Word of honour.

ECOVIS Lindra is part of the Vandelanotte Group 

Since 2023, ECOVIS Lindra has been part of the Vandelanotte Group. Like ECOVIS Lindra, Vandelanotte highly values personal contact and proactive service. This cooperation allows us to serve you even better. Discover the full range of services at vandelanotte.be.

Karine Vandenplas

Business Manager

Katrijn Peperstraete

HR & Payroll Expert

Karen Thys

Office Manager & Social Media

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